About Fogdog's Weight Loss

Don't Focus on the Goal...

If you've followed this blog you know that I've struggled for many years with improving my health. I've finally reached a point where I've managed to maintain a small amount of success. Now it's time to take the next step, but I believe it requires a new way of thinking.

Instead of trying to get healthy, why not shift focus toward learning how to build healthy habits instead. Follow me as I try to teach myself how to Engineer healthy habits that will allow me to take my health to the next level. Let's see where this experiment goes!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day #51 - The February Effect

I made a commitment to post something on my blog every single day of this 360 day journey.  Some days it's tough to think of something the write about, but I always manage to get started and then things just flow from there.  A lot of times I get my inspiration from other blogs.  Someone writes something that resonates with me and gives me an idea worthy of writing about.

Lately it's been hard to find that inspiration; I've noticed a lot less blog activity over the last few weeks.  In January I had all I could do to keep up with my blogroll everyday, but lately I only see one or two new posts each day.  This actually doesn't surprise me; I call it the February effect.

In January everyone starts out all gung ho ready to make this "the year".  By the end of the month, many of those folks have already stopped blogging permanently.  You would be surprised at how many blogs you can find about weight loss that started and ended in January never to return.  But it's not just newbies; I've noticed even some veteran bloggers tone it back going into February.  I think it just has to do with the time of the year.  For those of us in the United States it's nearing the end of winter.  In most of the country it's drab, dreary, and cold.  You can almost feel the mood in people's posts; it's time for winter to end!

I've lived this phenomenon myself; in 2012 I restarted bogging in December only to make it to March in 2013.  I'm not criticizing anyone, mind you, just merely an observation 

What do you think?  Have you noticed others are blogging less?  Are you? Why?  We each have our own journey to follow and none are alike.  If your journey only calls for you to post once in a while, then great, I will still follow you and enjoy when you do post.  For me, I've discovered I kind of like the rigor of having to post every day; it forces me to think about my health every single day.  Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Day #51 down; on to Day #52

Stay Strong!


  1. I see what you mean and it makes sense. I have been blogging since 2012 but I started a blog about weight and health only recently. I was surprise to not see too much activities on other blogs. did some research to find blogs that would be a good fit with me and was surprised by the number that had a few post and then nothing.

    1. It's hard for me because I like reading other blogs as much as I like writing mine. Thanks for reading.

  2. It makes total sense. I don't live where it's very hard, weather wise, during the winter, but I suppose that makes sense. Although I've noticed much less posting during the summer when people are out and about. I suspect February absence has more to do with people not sticking with a new diet or New Year's resolution, than it does the weather. I could be wrong though. :)

    1. Every year Mrs. FogDog and I talk about moving farther south. And to think I used to live in Maine!

  3. My life has been insane, and I've been struggling with the darkness a bit. So, I haven't been blogging. Even when I'm doing OK, because I don't want to turn the gaze inward when I'm surviving and doing alright for a change. But I've also had very popular blogs in the past (two, of which I shut down after a few years each) and sometimes I just feel I don't have anything worthwhile to share and no one would want to hear it anyway. Just daily boring nonsense, my life as it is. :)

    1. You've had some pretty rough times lately with the whole moving thing. I always enjoy your blogs; especially when you go on one of your rants!

  4. Guess it all comes down to time, how we feel, how 'life' sometimes throws other things our way that must and need to be sorted. Is there an easy 'this is why' answer ....... don't think so.

    I tend to go with the flow and not overly worry - but then that's me.

    Take Care and .......

    All the best Jan

  5. Guess it all comes down to time, how we feel, how 'life' sometimes throws other things our way that must and need to be sorted. Is there an easy 'this is why' answer ....... don't think so.

    I tend to go with the flow and not overly worry - but then that's me.

    Take Care and .......

    All the best Jan

    1. I'm not exactly worried about it. While there might not be an exact 'this is why', there are certainly 'here are some of the potential causes'. Thanks for your comment

  6. Oh yes, you are so right-- I AM feeling like WINTER MUST END. I'm sick of it!

  7. I think you are right FD! I know I am posting way less due to longer work days/weeks plus a few health hiccups. I am also behind on reading! finally catching up with your posts now!
