About Fogdog's Weight Loss

Don't Focus on the Goal...

If you've followed this blog you know that I've struggled for many years with improving my health. I've finally reached a point where I've managed to maintain a small amount of success. Now it's time to take the next step, but I believe it requires a new way of thinking.

Instead of trying to get healthy, why not shift focus toward learning how to build healthy habits instead. Follow me as I try to teach myself how to Engineer healthy habits that will allow me to take my health to the next level. Let's see where this experiment goes!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Day #85 - Refusing to Give In

As I suspected I awoke feeling like garbage.  I wore my CPAP last night even though my sinuses are clogged.  As a result this morning my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls.  Anyway, I got up and my very first thought was "no excuses". 

How often do you see a pro athlete proclaim that they couldn't get it done because they were sick?  Never, that's how often because they don't make excuses.  I decided that today I wasn't going to make any excuses.  Today I was going to act like everything was fine and I was going to push on.  In fact, I didn't even mention to anyone that I didn't feel good and I just plugged on through the day.  I don't even think anyone noticed.

I ate healthy all day and got my gallon of water in.  At lunchtime I went to the local park and walked for 1.5 miles.  I was breathing heavier than usual because of the congestion, but I still got it done.  When I got home I played outside with the kids before dinner and then worked on remodeling my bathroom after dinner.  It was a full day and I was successful.  Today I proved to myself that it can be done; I can be sick and be healthy at the same time!

A great Day #85 is coming to a close, I want a repeat on Day #86.

Stay Strong!


  1. All right all right stop hassling me! I'll go out for a short walk even though I'm all congested. Damn annoying people leading by example...

    1. Good for you, I'm glad I could guilt you into it. :)

  2. Nice job! :) But if you kick up a fever, you put yourself to bed. OK?

  3. "I can be sick and be healthy at the same time!" LOL That's quite a statement, but I know what you mean.

    Take Care and ........

    All the best Jan

    1. I was wondering if someone would pick up on that.

  4. Way to own the day FogDog!! Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks FM, right now each day keeps getting worse so I'm not over the hump yet.
