About Fogdog's Weight Loss

Don't Focus on the Goal...

If you've followed this blog you know that I've struggled for many years with improving my health. I've finally reached a point where I've managed to maintain a small amount of success. Now it's time to take the next step, but I believe it requires a new way of thinking.

Instead of trying to get healthy, why not shift focus toward learning how to build healthy habits instead. Follow me as I try to teach myself how to Engineer healthy habits that will allow me to take my health to the next level. Let's see where this experiment goes!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day #91 - Another Candy Holiday

Happy Easter to all!  Another holiday filled with tons of delicious candy.  So how did you do?  Did you restrain yourself or did you call it a "special occasion" and then let loose gobbling up jelly beans and Cadbury cream eggs? 

I didn't mention it yesterday, but I actually gained a pound last week.  Mrs. FogDog proved that her week before was an abnormality as she dropped 2 pounds this week (Bravo!).  I'm not all too worried about the gain because I know how well I did last week; my best guess is that I'm retaining water probably due to being sick.  Time will tell as I'll be back on the scale again next Saturday.  The good news is that I woke this morning completely congestion free; my illness is over.

My gain on Saturday annoyed me at first, but it also gave me resolve.  Resolve to stick with it this week to see the results I deserve.  The answer to my questions above about candy?  On Saturday night I ate 2 Hershey kisses and on Sunday each of my kids gave me a miniature chocolate egg (the size of Hershey kisses).  5 Small pieces of chocolate total, not bad at all.

I will also have a small piece of the cake above tonight (today is my unrestricted day).  My 11 year old daughter made it so I have to try it because she said it "might not taste good but it's made with love".  She also told me that the one bunny "fell in the mud" while the other "lost it's ear after being attacked by a fox".  After that comment I didn't dare ask where all the babies came from.

I hope everyone had a great Easter! Another day done, on to day #91.

Stay Strong!


  1. Very cute cake! I've noticed a lot of the blogs I follow mention a cake on Easter, is that a tradition or just a coincidence? My family doesn't have any Easter food traditions apart from chocolate eggs.

    1. I don't think it's really a tradition here in the US; certainly not a tradition in my house, my daughter just loves to bake and Easter gave her a reason.

  2. Happy belated Easter to you. I hope the cake was scrumptious. It's so cute!

    1. It was actually quite tasty. Like most kids I think she put a lot more decorations on than needed, but I picked all the rabbits off and the cake and homeade icing were both very good.

  3. We tend to eat low carb sponge cakes and chocolate that is the 85% dark chocolate ..... reduce sugar as much as possible.

    With children / grand children they enjoy the low carb cakes but prefer milk chocolate - so they just have a little.

    Where did Easter go? The time passes so qickly.

    Hope you have a good week

    All the best Jan

  4. You did great FD, glad for you!

    I had only what I put aside a few days ago, it took me 2 hours to eat it!

    I officially weight myself once every 2 weeks. I think this way it eliminate any bad weeks I might have.

    Hey how could you say no to a cake made with love ;)
